Due to our significant expertise in the development and delivery of postgraduate training in the field of paediatric osteopathy, we are regularly invited to deliver courses outside of the UK. We also collaborate with other teaching organisations to promote and improve the quality of teaching in the paediatric field.
We currently collaborate with the Osteopathic Centre for Children Italy to jointly award a Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy (DPO) to graduates. Several members of our faculty are involved in course delivery and clinical supervision. We are also present in the final clinical examinations at the end of this three year course.
The Osteopathisches Zentrum fur Kinder in Vienna is another of our affiliates, where members of our faculty regularly teach.
We are often asked to teach outside of the UK and are happy to send a team from our faculty to deliver the required lectures and practicals. If you are involved in the delivery or design of a postgraduate paediatric osteopathy course and would like to discuss collaboration, please contact us at [email protected]