Make A Donation

Make a donation

Make a monthly donation

Regular donations are the best way to help us plan for the future. Over the course of a year, your monthly donation will make a huge difference no matter how small it may seem:

£3.75 a month
Could pay for one follow-up treatment a year.

£7.50 a month
Could pay for one new patient assessment and treatment a year.

£15 a month
Could pay for four follow-up treatments a year.

£30 a month
Could pay for four new patient assessments and treatments a year.

You can either download, complete and return a Direct Debit Form or register on our JustGiving page. 

One-off donation

One-off donations are equally valuable to us. You can send a us a cheque or donate online at JustGiving .

Please send cheques or paper forms  to the Osteopathic Centre for Children, Canopi, 7 – 14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR.

If you would like to remember us in your Will, please get in touch at [email protected]  or click here for information on leaving a legacy.